Soon after I became a hypnotherapist, something unusual began taking place in my sessions with clients. A surprising number communicated with loved ones who had crossed over. After I saw three different members of the same family over a period of months, and each of them connected with the same deceased (and persistent!) loved one without knowing that the others had as well, I really began to pay attention.
My own guess as to why this takes place is that the souls or spirits of loved ones who have died are still with us they're just in a place that vibrates at a different speed. It may be that the relaxed, open energy of trance harmonizes more easily with other loving vibrations, creating a chance to "tune in". These sessions are always positive. At a minimum they bring clarity; usually they are extremely comforting.
I can't guarantee that you will make a connection during a session, as much as I wish I could. But I can help you create a welcoming environment, and I feel it is an honor to do so.